The Heart Chakra
The Heart Chakra 💚 is the centre of our Being that receives Light energy from the Soul Star and distributes it to the lower Chakras before grounding it in the Earth Star. Our physical and etheric hearts interface with the world around us as receivers of energies. When the Kundalini is awakened, it travels upwards through the Sushumna channel. In contrast, Ida and Pingala travel along the spine in a spiral fashion, opposite one another, resembling the DNA 🧬 molecule’s Double Helix. When the Kundalini reaches the top of the head at Sahasrara, it expands this centre exponentially, allowing the Light energy from the Soul Star to pour into our Chakric system below. As each of the Chakras become infused with the Light, the toroidal energy field becomes optimized, activating the latent potential of the Merkaba. A full Kundalini awakening energizes the Body of Light, maximizing Merkaba’s capacity. When Light is infused into the Aura, the counterrotating Tetrahedrons of the Merkaba begin to spin faster, forming a Sphere of Light around the physical body. The Soul, which is also spherical, now has a vehicle that supports its shape, with which it can leave the physical body to travel within other dimensions of Space/Time. Seeing Light orbs is a common Spiritual phenomenon of looking at the spinning Merkabas of Beings beyond the Third Dimension who want to interface with human beings through consciousness. One of the main functions of the Merkaba is to allow the individual to explore the deeper meanings and layers of life in the Universe. By optimizing your Merkaba function, you become a Fifth Dimensional Being of Light who can utilize the higher Transpersonal Chakras to your benefit.”
-Excerpt from “Serpent Rising: The Kundalini Compendium” by Neven Paar